5 Star Marine Supports One Phuket

5 Star Marine together with Sutai Muay Thai continues to collectively pool their resources to assist vulnerable communities in and around Phuket and Phang Nga and has done so for over a year now. To date they have donated in excess of 150,000 life bags; each one containing enough staple supplies to feed a family of 5 for around 4 days.

The fleet of 5 Star Marine speedboats has been critical to this effort, enabling access to some of the most at-risk areas. This has allowed their charity efforts to go further afield, reaching vulnerable communities in smaller villages and islands as well as across Phuket itself. 

Last month (February 2021) saw the launch of One Phuket; born from a small group of local residents, charities, and businesses coming together to collaborate on how to help those most in need during this unprecedented economic crisis. 5 Star Marine are proud to fully support One Phuket’s operational efforts and are working collectively on several elements of this crucial charity drive.  

One Phuket is now turning its attention to finding long-term, durable solutions to help get the people of Phuket through this pandemic, and beyond. They have come together to see how best they should combine with existing initiatives taking place, for the greater good of the most vulnerable communities. Some of their efforts will focus on opportunities that result in job creations, and hopefully a more sustainable future for our beautiful island. 

 5 Star Marine has ramped up their own philanthropy work by taking on all of the ordering, packing, and deliveries of life bags for One Phuket. With over a year of experience in this area, they are also fully supporting One Phuket by sharing guidance and best practices in the areas of operations and government regulations among others.

5 Star Marine also will support One Phuket on an ongoing basis, providing donations and funding necessary to reach life bag goals when required.  

5 Star Marine has built trusted relationships with a network of local OrBorTors via previous outreach campaigns. These connections have enabled them to get immediate information from behind the scenes on the real needs of these communities and work on this intelligence. This sort of information is critical and will be shared with One Phuket to help their charity efforts where they are needed most. 

Although 5 Star Marine does not take donations, One Phuket does and is asking for monthly or one-off donations however big or small; every little help.

Please join their Facebook group to find out more and see how you can get involved.

5 Star Marine Supports One Phuket